Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A Girl cannot have Too Many Accessories: The Earrings Saga

Today, as usual, I almost woke up late to get a parking space again. Thank heavens for mothers who insist on having a handwritten copy of their children's timetable. Yes, mommy dearest woke me up this morning. And I've 'adjusted' her to wake me up tomorrow morning too. The most reliable 'alarm clock' anyone could ever have.

Fastforwarding... anyway, my second class of the day was cancelled. So I suddenly found myself with a 5 hour long break. Five hours. That's, like, one night's worth of sleep (should I be running around town the night before that is). This are one of those times within the past four weeks that I wish very much that I was living in PJ. I could use a nap and of course, some time-out. However, in reality, I could either rot in the library, gorge on caffy food, go play b-ball or...

...go to Mid Valley! Which, of course, I did. With W, I and Jo. We had a great time!

But the reason why I'm feeling all bouncy and happy right now is the fact that tomorrow I'm going to get a new soft toy. ^^; Actually, because I'm meeting someone. *i see raised eyebrows*

Whoops, got off topic there. I meant, because I got 7 new pairs of earrings. Yay! *oh god. what have i turned into? E! gimme back my identity!* Anyhow, here are some photos taken of them. Enjoy and drool over them because they're mine... not yours, MINE.

This is my favourite. It's so jingly.

These earrings are NOT photogenic at all.

They are actually the best among the lot.

These are really cool, no? As I said regarding such beads, they're so 'oriental feel'.

This are really cute! Cute! I just couldn't help myself!

I really have a thing for these kind of beads. They're like, so nice for some reason or other.



GORGEOUS! Aren't they just! *coos*

And that's it from my earring collecting today. And yes, what a collection it's become.


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