Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Lazy Bug
I need a new organiser. One of those pretty ones I used to sell maybe. My life is getting really full of appointments and activities that I am getting quite sick of having to remind myself over and over again. I wish I could just go out for one day and get everything done. Too bad life cannot be lived by myself and I need others. Hence, I am blaming my seeming inadequateness on other people.
Said other people are 1) certain people from the university staff, 2) that small 'boy' and 3) a person I have to operate under (and hopefully not for any longer). Blek to you all.
Anyhow, I need to get moving. Proposals upon proposals. Appointments and meetings. I'll make an excellent 1) event organiser or 2) personal or company secretary. Looks like I have my life cut out for me...NOT.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
It's been 15 Days, some Hours, Minutes and of course, Seconds.
Anyhow, I'm trying to waste some time before I go house hunting in awhile. Nothing like it really. I love looking at new house designs. Gives me ideas for my miniatures (not that I've laid down the foundations on the first one, based on a story written...well, in my head really).
But today, I'm not looking for a home (family business that). I'm going to look for a place to stay during my duration at UTAR and who knows, maybe longer. What's for sure is this temporary place is going to be in PJ, somewhere within walking distance to Section 13. When I get a place, you'll all be welcome to visit...prior call required of course.
Btw, has anyone been to Bkt Antarabangsa lately...particularly the area called Bukit Utama? The new houses being built there are gorgeous. Absolutely, fantastically gorgeous. Go check out the show house if you have nothing else better to do this coming holidays. As for me, I'm heading in the opposite direction. Down south to Klang. I heard there were pretty places there with cheap price tags. ^^; REALLY cheap, compared to what I've seen lately and trust me, I've seen quite a number.
Shall we go one round when the holiday's started (for you of course, not me. again)? I'd love to photograph those pretty places....though lots of it had this irritating 'No Camera' sign outside. Whatever.
Oh, and Happy Birthday to Y-H. Dah tua la.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
1 Utama, 1 Love
Not that I have anything against pink but it simply did not measure up against the red coloured one which Jusco had but the design of the bag was different and noticeably smaller than the one I wanted. A big 'X' from my mother. Oh, well. She's paying after all.
I was wandering (not lost, I don't get lost. Just doesn't happen) in 1U with my family a couple of weeks ago when I came across a luggage shop. It's become my habit to glance in the direction of such shops in the hopes that I will find the bag I wanted to much. I saw the familiar pattern then.
And it was...pink. And orange....don't forget the orange one.
Here's the bag. I didn't have time to process the other pics.
As they say, beggars cannot be choosers. Ah, not that I am one. I've just completely fallen for the old gold E design. Pink's just another shade of red after all.
Next buy-buy post will be on the cuter things I acquired from Chiang Mai.
One Way for Future Writers to spend their Free Time
I suggested the three of us sneak into the always empty, air-conditioned Conference Room to play the Three Word game. The rules are simple. Every person takes their turn to write three words to continue the story. Other than that, anything goes. So, here was the result of that afternoon session.
P is represented by Baby Blue
JF is represented by White
Mm is represented by Coral Pink
"Die, die, die,"
was the song
that he thought
would make it
or maybe...her
last words if
she shut the
door tight on
his lower member.
She would have
him if he
would only say
"Take me baby
or else you
should shop someplace
to eat more
char kuey teow
, and meatballs filled
with chicken meat.
Mm*, you
are goddess-like because
Joshua would look
at your large
eyes and go
pee someplace where
proper urinals exist.
His pants got
wet yesterday because
it was raining
, like days ago
when he peed
with much style
and bad aiming.
He peed on
Monday, Tuesday and
every night on
his own bed
of roses at
a kinky alleyplace.
He was serviced
by Mm*
in his dreams.
Mm* slapped
herself real hard
because Pauline was
killing Joshua with
a teddy bear
labelled 'I heart'.
His extreme horniness
was undeniable underrated
in the next
few horny weeks.
"Lies," he says
to Satan himself
and got castrated
, well...figuratively not
because actually he
was boiled alive
by the hot
Korean BBQ plate.
So Satan said,
"I was wrong,"
to Pauline, his
archenemy in God.
Eating a large
durian by himself
made him fart
like Mm*
during bluemoons only.
But Joshua burps
softly and politely
farts by himself,
and shits longer by Pauline
by about two
days and five
long and neverending
, painful and suffocating
years. So Joshua
asked M if
she'd kindly inform
P that J
Chong was the
father or son?
*Name has been altered to protect the innocent. That would of course be, me.
How did you like our story?
Friday, October 13, 2006
Holiday at Chiang Mai, Thailand
It is now time to start working! (yay! *groan*) I'm through with feeling crappy and dissatisfied with life (though 'living it' is its description. what the hell am I saying? ^^;) I've managed to keep my room neat and the floor visible for the past week for once and perhaps that has put me in a better mood.
But really, without a mess I feel reluctant to start any project! So while I wandered round and round, I decided...aah, I need a secretary. Actually, I'm starting to get this rather bad habit of forgetting appointments or things like that and constantly mess up my own schedule. Time to shape up! So here is my current priority list:
- Recording my mom's cassettes (DO NOT ask me why cassettes)
- Writing (for Purpose no. 2)
- Writing (for Purpose no. 1, why was it kicked lower than 2 is a mystery)
- Completing the three blog layouts I started but never finished
- Writing (for purpose no. 3)
- Dreaming and finally starting my Dream Notes Notebook (so that none of my chapters go missing)
- Making a four poster bed
- Completing that bloody floor lamp
- Finalising the house plan (should I go stay over at S's and ask her opinion?)
- Drawing Yuuko-san on the wall. At least I've already decided on the darker pink square.
I made a trip to Chiang Mai, Thailand earlier this month. Here are some of the pictures I took while I was there. Oh, about the wording on those pictures? Don't mind them if they look weird or pixelated because I'm using the same pictures for another project of mine and am lazy to do new letterings. If I'm feeling hardworking later on, I may do something about it.
The temple's arch overlooking the Mae Khong river.
That was Chiang Mai/Chiang Rai in a glance! I bought some souvenirs (naturally) and will be posting them here soon for you to drool over (^^;). Talking about souvenirs, I nearly bought a fake Louis Vuitton carry luggage but decided not to and get originals back here in KL. I still haven't completely given up on Elle Paris yet and I know it will come up with great designs in the future!
Here's a link to a post I made at my class blog on the trips to Genting and Malacca. Please visit it and give your support to the young and budding Malaysian journalists and writers!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
The Month where One is Supposed to be a Goody-2-Shoes
Anyhow, I've just been through an eventful weekend! There was this HUGE drama going on between my wife and her university pal. I've met this pal of hers a few times and I thought she was pretty cool, something like me, my wife and our mutual friends. I was thinking, at LEAST there is someone normal at my wife's university.
That was until this. I've never met a more pitiful person my whole life (well, maybe a few).
Really. She says she totally envies my wife because of all the friends she has whom she is so close with (meaning me and the others). Like, of course we're all so close and familiar with each other. We practically grew up together! I've known E since we were in Standard One. Same goes for the others or at least most of them.
Then she comes up with that freakish line of how she wants to be exactly like E and later on she says the same thing to L (I love the way you eat! I love the way you walk! I love, love, love!). Like, stay away please, stalker-type?
Luckily I had listened to E rattling all the way back from Melaka (the whole two hours plus!) and managed to dodge the bullet when it came my way. You see, this intruder upon my circle of friends had seen it fit to crash at people's homes though they were not invited and definitely not wanted. Close call! Poor E did not even spend any time with her family the last week and its making her upset.
All-in-all, I suppose one needs to let time pass by awhile before one can really say that one knows another person. Personally? I'd love to be friends with the whole wide world (isn't this a line from an old song or something?) but that's just crazy thinking maybe. I'm pretty contented with my friends as of now. I wish people who'd intrude upon others and especially so shamelessly and without a care would just wake up and sniff the air...its smelly and dirty because of them. Shoo shoo! Give me back my clear and fresh air.
I'm going off to Thailand tomorrow! Chiang Mai/Chiang Rai to be exact. It's now 1a.m and I've yet to pack my bags. Another 8 more hours to boarding time! I've got to figure out is 23 degrees Celcius is cold or not for me quick so that I can start deciding what to bring. Too bad my favourite umbrella's sitting on the workstation at the place I'm interning at. (Go get it for me already J!)
Thursday, September 21, 2006
If you See me then you Mean It then you Know you Have To Go.
No wait. I think there is something more irritating than all the above. It is when you pick up the phone and what you hear is either silence or nonsense. It is just the other end trying to gauge how pissed off you are. Really, do we need such crude confirmations? It's amazing how the typed word no longer holds any power of its own. Guess the Internet wasn't as powerful as it seems after all.
What a day! It's been amazingly tiring and full of ups and downs. One whole day at a workshop/seminar at the university is certainly not a picnic. What's more, dinner was a lonely affair and the evening conversations were rather catastrophic.
Ah, I want to update my Messenger 'Block List'.
I want to think properly this time.
I'm wondering, do things like important life events in one's life, happen only when it is convenient to us to have them? They'd think of our classes, exams, etc...?
I've just had a huge project dumped into my hands. It's huge and there's no one else. That's such a shame. Thank Heavens for the people around me though.
Coffee is what I need.
I want back my simple life. Do you see it? Have you seen it? Give it back to me.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Kareshi yo.
I don't think the last part of the message was where the message was cute.
The part where it says 'save some for me' is where it's cute. And the 'i kena' too. So you do have certain patterns downpat at least. *whew" At least those two lines saved you a lot of painful and sarcastic words.
I'd love to take a moment however to appreciate a few people.
There. Finished appreciating those people. You know who you are. You'll never need to face certain facets of me ever. Its called immunity. I really love all of you for accepting me and then giving me my just desserts, getting your own back and then able to laugh with me in the end. There are so many things I'm grateful for but I'll just keep it where it belongs...out of sight! lol
Ah, as to more questions. I'm going to university tomorrow first thing in the morning. Some idiot's having a meeting. Then I'm driving to Genting. Come seek me out and we'll have a blast in the ghost house...disturbing the ghosts (been there done that?). I'll be staying overnight there so don't worry about not catching me. Ah, no crashing in my room however unless you bring nice food and your own sleeping bag.
I'll be back on Tuesday, mid afternoon I suppose. I hope to have tea then with J? Which reminds me I have to call J and ask if J + 2 wants lunch? Then it's a busy Wednesday at a workshop at the university *duh. as if i would do it willingly out of my responsibilities*.
Thursday looks like a day at A for me. My tag calls for me I believe. Just have to tell the guy J tomorrow. Btw, I heard a-K cancelled on us tomorrow. Can you guess what the a means? Hahahahaa.
Good night everyone from me at 1.30a.m and haven't packed and haven't finished watching my Host Club series. Funny issit, disturbing me the whole night!
Saturday, September 16, 2006
It's Over!
So while I'm waiting for W to come out of the exam hall (looks like she's going to use the full two hours!) so that I can drop her off at the bus stop, let's review my exam.
Right on top of the list if of course, the paper I just sat for. I am not telling anyone what paper it was because for some unknown reason, I detest people knowing it. Anyhow, I think I bombed something awful on this paper. it's like...I knew everything but the LAST piece of the answer. Just one tiny little bloody important piece. There goes my marks. This is like a horror repeat of my mid-term actually...just that, I managed to score the highest in mid-term so it isn't all that bad I suppose.
Another shocking paper was English (journalists have to sharpen their weapons). It was TOUGH! The lecturer warned us but we didn't believe her. It was IELTS level...definitely. I don't like it! I hope there is no more English subjects in the future (reminds me to go check the course schedule on the intranet soon). I was stumped at some questions in the exam. I couldn't even think of a cock and bull story for the questions (THAT bad).
Ah, the others...I managed to wing through.
Oh, Pengajian Malaysia paper isn't exactly tough. Damn I didn't study so that's why I couldn't even answer easy questions like 'Senaraikan 3 badan berkanun'. Die. Lol. Hopefully I can pass this paper.
Eh, lazy to talk. Damn hungry now.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
To my Fallen Butterfly
A small tribute to my beloved Butterfly (from my purple velvet handphone cover) that was Lost during the trek I made to the Office of the Evil and Petty People on that faithful day. That very day marks the turning point in my life when I finally accepted that our Country has a bleak future unless something is done to remedy the attitude of our people.
ロストバタフライ ルルティア
(Lost Butterfly RURUTIA)
Butterfly 彷徨うよ 地下鉄は迷宮さ
はばたいても はばたいても 見つからない 出口
Someday もし君に そんな日が 訪れたら
思い出して 思い出して 僕は此処にいるよ
幸せの意味はたぶん 心の数だけあって
だけど それじゃ多すぎて
見失う 僕ら
さあ 繰り返すような日常が
焦るほど絡みつく 夢というクモの糸
君が羽焦がし飛ぶのなら 太陽さえ 届くだろう
美しく 熔ければいい 微笑み 見せながら
Anyway いつの日か 人は皆 別れゆく
それでもいい それでもいい 君に僕は逢えた
Far away 離れても 幸せは祈れるよ
届かなくても 届かなくても 君の歌を作ろう
生まれた意味は きっと
死にゆく時 気づける
だけど それじゃ遅すぎて
彷徨うよ 僕ら
さあ 押し潰すような現実は
変われるから 君は君で 在り続けるのさ
君が声嗄らし叫ぶなら 三日月さえ 落ちるだろう
躊躇わず ゆくがいい かすかな光でも...
焦るほど絡みつく 夢というクモの糸
君が羽焦がし飛ぶのなら 太陽さえ 届くだろう
美しく 熔ければいい 微笑み 見せながら
Like a wandering butterfly in a labyrinth
Fluttering without finding a way out
If that would someday happen to you
Remember, I'm right here
The meaning of happiness is probably
Just a number in our hearts, but
If it's too much, we lose sight of us
Come, these repeating ordinarities
Are slowly changing the future
Hurrying will only weave webs around our dreams
If you could fly with those wings
You could probably reach the sun
They would melt beautifully while you smiled
Anyway, some day everyone will part
And yet, nevertheless, I met you
Even if we're separated, I can wish for your happiness
If it won't reach you, I'll make this song for you
Surely, the reason for our births
Will worry us when we're about to die
But at that time it will be too late
For us to roam about
Come, the crushing reality
Is changing you, I know
But even if you change, you will still be you
If you shouted your voice dry
Even the crescent moon would probably fall
Go on without hesitation, for there is a faint light...
Looking on the brighter side however, check out my new chiffon babydoll top! Its ability to be a layer-type clothing is not lost on me and I am pleased with it. It looks excellent with my (okay, correction. My mom's. Though I am holding the jacket prisoner) red suede jacket too.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Oh God, You Pooped!
I tried to find that old blue leash
Here you are but please don’t bark
Running and playing in the park
Trying to find your favourite spot
Go fetch that stick my furry friend
Oh catch that Frisbee in the wind
I bounce the ball you start to roll
But then you suddenly stop
Oh God you pooped what can I do
I hope no one sees that thing you do
Oh please don’t pee you embarrass me
I hope no one sees that thing you do
My dear buddy its time for bath
Don’t you dare to run away
The suds are rubbed come on get up
I’ve got a date please hurry up
Here he comes the guy next door
And he’s the one that I adore
And he smiles I start to blush
But then you suddenly stop
Oh God you pooped what can I do
I hope no one sees that thing you do
Oh please don’t pee you embarrass me
I hope on one sees that thing you do
If there is anyone out there who knows who the singer and title of this song is, please tell me.Friday, August 25, 2006
The Rain has Fallen
Oh wait, that's because my comforter is slightly squashed and that makes it thinner and my air-conditioning unit is seriously one reincarnated spirit of the North Pole.
Anyhow! I'm feeling more happier these days. =) I don't feel the need to snap anymore (unless those irritating bits pop up and I can't help but snap). I am certainly not stressing over higher authorities (I just realised, after the meeting two days ago that said higher authorities are actually petty, pretty manueverable people. I already sort of tricked them in front of their faces). The best part is my study leave is already here! I am so relieved to be able to sleep in again and not be forced to wake up at 6a.m everyday just to arrive at university at 7a.m and wait a few hours for my first class!
I'm going shopping for a bag tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to get a nice one. Like my big luggage bag with wheels. It's so sweet. Lavender in colour from Elle Paris. I want a cute carry luggage for short trips like the Genting one I'm going right after finals.
Alright, I really am lazy to say much right now so I'll just go off and wander around and hopefully my dad will take the hint and take me for coffee. Toodles! And remember! I'm having study leave next week, so call me! =)
Friday, August 18, 2006
I love Musicals.
This whole business is bullshit. Before anybody starts sneering at the statement made that day that all secretaries are to attend a special 'course' to write minutes or whatever, I demand they check my work. I demand it because it is only fair to NOT waste my time anymore. I'd like to give them a piece of my mind.
What does it mean that the society is not allowed to use its own money in the bank for its activities? I'm fuming over the fact that the university seems determined at every turn to NOT allow students to do anything but study and pretend they're doing extra-curricular activities.
We should be thinking big. We should be dreaming of flying and testing out wings. Why won't the education system here allow this? I am so sick and tired of meeting red tape and no one who believes in us.
First step, Attitude. Believe and help, however little. Also, MYOB. Don't be bitches and think only of power and control. (and people call me the control freak. I like Sims 1 and 2 because of its architectural an decorating aspects. same goes for the zoo tycoons)
Second step, Trust. Just bloody trust us these days. If you don't, might as well just drop the facade and close the whole operation down. You won't feel nice, I won't feel nice either. It is time trust started somewhere really. And for us, we don't have any choice.
And because I am in such a disturbed state of mind. I can't think straight enough to write coherently. So I'm signing off angrily and pissily and most stressfully. I cannot wait for this afternoon's meeting. Hallelujah for musicals.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
A Sneak Peak into My Family Conversations: The Hair
Today, my mother found hair on the floor again, just next to the display cabinets. Gripe, gripe, complain.
"Who's hair is this on the floor?!"
Everyone keeps silent, continuing with our own tasks, pretending we didn't hear. But me? I've been scolded too often for shedding like a cat! It was never my intention for my hair to drop all over the place. It just does. So, I just have to defend myself.
"It's yours." The female variety has developed the bad habit of patting their hair, etc so it it only natural their hair should fall off easier.
"It's curly."
"Yours is the only permed head in this house."
"...and short!"
How can anyone resist such an opening line? "Oh, Daddy must've been scratching."
Ah, no big news. Really. I find everything a horrendous waste of time. Nothing lasts forever.
But I do have this headache...
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
I Wish I were Home, in the Truest Sense
Okay, anyhow, its rather difficult to write on blogs ne? It's because usually when I'm enthusiastic about something and want to write on it, I grab a piece of paper (which I usually have whenever I'm in a writing mood) and pencil and start scribbling. When I finally go home or find a free terminal at the computer lab, the initial tidal wave of ideas just isn't there anymore and the will and happiness of writing (this isn't even writing, it is typing for heaven's sake) has gone.
Yesterday, a Monday, marks the ninth week of my course. Only another few more weeks to go. Then I'm going to have a long semester break because my course lacks a short semester. I'm not going to be shopping, lounging or playing the PS2 the whole time either. Work? It's a form of work I'm hoping for, correct, but I don't get paid for it. Go on, I know you want to do it. Label it as free labour.
Anyhow, lately I've noticed that my first impressions have been quite accurate, especially in regard to people I know from start I'd have to deal with a lot in the future (future = now). I won't say who. Hell, if they read this, they'll know who they are.
University, is a surprise. I expected some things and anticipated others. But right now, having had gone through so many weeks here, those same things, almost all of it were wrong! Where I expected university students to be matured and more proactive, my people seem to be rather...well, the exact thing I rather dislike.
See, I've been an activity-active person since young. I am lucky to have arrived at a secondary school that provided me with oppurtunities to experience so many kinds of competitions and activities, with great teachers to guide us and wonderful students who were all brought up in the same environment, hence making them and me all proactive people. Hands on. Nitty-gritty.
We made waterfalls and fountains, we painted huge murals, we planted over fifty kinds of herbs, identified them and cared for them, we did dramas, we created props, arrange lighting, seeked out music. We had a dedicated website team, each one now efficient in various graphical and animation programs. We had trips to Langkawi, Pangkor...climbed a real mountain, lived in forests on our own. We've experienced the school winning national level competitions where our beloved headmistress met the Prime Minister.
There was never a time we were not involved in some activity or another. We tried so many things. It did not matter too much whether we won or not if it were a competition (but usually we get placings anyway). The most important was what we learned from it. The strong bonds we created through it. The beautiful, beautiful memories we now have.
I expected all this to continue in college. And everything would rise to greater scales. But somehow, students seem less inclined to do anything but study. They aren't enthusiastic about anything else. The college imposes so much redtape and rules and regulations and bureaucracy on the students that it is impossible to do anything without putting up a real fight! And aren't we smart to already make the students sign and agree to never hold protests and petitions and everything. Worst were the student body who are so timid, scared and only dreaming big but refusing to get low and do work or something.
Alright, college experience, while fun, was not as exciting nor did it teach me anything new. In fact, the only thing I gleaned from it was that Malaysians are too academic-minded. There is no importance stressed on our extra-curricular activities.
Then it is university. The same situation I experienced in college has returned. I am disappointed. Everyone is eating each other up. Nobody pauses to look at the flowers. It is everyone for themselves. It is almost scary to see how cold we have become. And what I can't stand is the inability of students, to still not be able to do things for themselves. Everyone's just waiting for someone else to lead them and that same person has no idea themselves!
This is such a sad situation.
I realise that in secondary school, my teachers did not guide me and my friends either. They pushed us. What we wanted to do, they would support. What we did not know how to do, they would help. And we, my friends and I, we are all able to take charge of situations. We are able to do things. We have been doing it all this time!
I believe that academics is only half of what's important in anybody's life. Moral values, strong and good character traits, a sense of justice, a will to do things, and most importantly, a dream that we should stick to. I hate the academic system here. I am lucky to have went to a secondary school that somehow managed to shield us from the awful coldness of the system in reality. For in technical terms, the system is said to be very good and well-balanced.
We praise the Western countries. We praise them, emulate them, dream about them. Why can't we see that what makes them good is that they are actually practicing the system as they say it? I am talking about the way they educate their children. To be proactive. To encourage them in whatever they wish to do, be it music, drama, atheletics. Do not follow the rules to rigidly. When a student appears with potential, don't weight them down with formalities. It can be done.
And here I am, thrown into that same cold, unfeeling world I have despised. I can handle it but that does not mean I have to like it. This world, will leave no mark on me. I will leave with only a degree and nothing more. We are, puppets.
I however, will always have the warm feelings, memories and bonds from my past. Those are real. They are things I will always remember.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
First thing that comes to mind is the 'snatching'.
Then comes the accidents.
Next up is the meaningless argument.
Followed by cereal and breakfast.
Then the frustration of going against my self promises.
Lastly, its the tiredness of it all.
I think I need to go on a rampage of 'cute' shopping spree where I'll just buy the cutest things I can find. At least I'll accumulate some hairclips for my short hair now. Ah, there's the reason for the title. I chopped off my hair today...or rather yesterday.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Flakes and Cereal
I'm waiting for the society meeting to start. I feel very much like that Prop Mistress I was back in school before and I'm itching to pick up bolts of cloths, sequins, styrofoam, cutters, rulers, etc. I haven't been able to continue my miniature collection because I have too little time. As it is, I arrive at campus by 8a.m latest (leave my house by 6.50a.m) and come home only at 7p.m to 8.30p.m. Life is such a rush. I rather dislike it. Thank God for the fun I manage to have.
Talking about fun, this Saturday's the pool party. It's no longer rebellious but its gonna be better than the ball, that much I'm assured. Now, all we need are the cereal to pop up.
Me? I'm all for it. And the way things are going, looks like I'm ***** ** **** ** **** *** **** ** *** **** **** **** *** *** *****. Btw, none of the censored words are profanities. I knew I should have ******* **** or *** ** ** *****. Uh huh. Very *** ****. Again, none of the censored words are profanities. Let's keep our heads up and above choppy waters shall we? =)
Looks like I've got to run. I hope the meeting will be enjoyable. I, P and myself are probably gonna discuss another society's business within another society's business. Haha. Take that, people!
Friday, June 23, 2006
Today's Celebrations include..
And it is also (here we go again P!) Fors Fortuna, or the Day Sacred to Fortuna. Fortuna is a Greek goddess. She is the personification of *duh* fortune. She is particularly worshipped by mothers because she is originally the goddess of blessings and fertility. I wonder why she's worshipped by mothers and not by wanna-be mothers?
Today is also Let It Go Day! So people, if you have any pent-up frustrations or unanswered desires or caged up anger...let it go! Free it like pigeons in India! Give them wings and watch them take flight. Leave them behind and forge on ahead with new determination and spirit! If I can do it, so can you!
It is also National Pink Day (probably in the States?). So, have you fulfilled your Pink quota for the day? Let's all get in the mood and bounce around looking like cotton candy shall we? Weee, WEEE! *rolls eyes*
Anyhow, moving on, I've got a request to update readers on the Constructor game. Haha. Didn't I tell you? After NOT being able to play the game upon installation, I had to download a DOS emulator program called DOSbox. That one wasn't so hard to set up (wouldn't know the details because i was just lazing on the bed while my brother worked the laptop). Then the game was PATHETICALLY slow, so slow that even after 4 months (gameplay time) of being a constructor, I haven't even built ANYTHING. Not even a woodyard let alone houses! Sean! Bra! Help! (should probably ask him through email or at the ants blog)
Forgive me if I sound weird today. Because I'm feeling nauseous and rather sick. I'm having the sniffles and a rather bad sneezing problem. This is due to a very sensitive nose and body temperature-receptors. I was in a very stuffy and hot changing room today. My wastepaper basket is half full with used tissue already. My laptop area looks like a tissue disaster happened to it *that's exactly what happened!*
Sunday, June 18, 2006
I Loved My Sunday Afternoon and Evening. What About You?
It is, however, one Sunday I will always remember and think back on with a smile.
Nothing out of the ordinary happened really. I have no idea why I'm even blogging about it. I just thought I'd share with you my happiness. Why in the world am I feeling so contented? Like a cat who's just gotten her cream...and more, I guess! Just feeling like Homer Simpson's line in the game Hit & Run, "Bouncy, bouncy!" and then he jumps (more like flaps) up twice in the air.
It is not noticeable, this happiness of mine. Not noticeable because I'm usually all bouncy and chirpy most of the time. Some might even say, my internal clock's gone haywire and I'm becoming like the giddy nutjob I usually am come midnight and 1am. Well, maybe I am. And I have no complaints about that! Think about it this way, now I can act haywire at any time! My clock's gone wonky!
Talking about wonky clocks, anybody want to volunteer to wake me up for classes every morning? My clocks (the real ones, mind you) have all gone AWOL. Let's not even get into the details. Bottomline is, my alarms are not working. What will I do? (set my mother to wake me up, that's what I'll do and have done already)
Anyhow, back to my silly inner grin, just Yay! ^^; That doesn't explain much but, Yay! =) You and I both know what kind of of a person I am. Does this explain anything? Hmm, me thinks it speaks volumes.
Bait it, Dangle It and Snap It Up!
わくわく魚つソグ一ム (waku waku sakana tsungeemu*) [romaji may be wrong]
This is the source of immense fun. Yes, it's another mindless game where one uses the given 'fishing rod' and tried to extract the moving fishes from the game set. The fishes wait in their respective 'holes' and moves up and down, opening and closing their mouths...just waiting for you to 'catch' them.
The game is simple enough. Just catch, catch, catch! No tricks (though there is a trick to ALWAYS catching the fish you hook on to). And definitely no hassle as the machine runs on a single D-sized battery and is virtually maintenance free.
While there is no rules to the game, we can always think of some interesting ones...catch ten fishes within 10 seconds maybe? Loser has to eat wasabi-flavoured bread. Nyum!
Anyhow, while I'm busy trying to get Constructor to run better on my laptop (yes, I realise that laptops are not meant for game purposes but my laptop's incredible and not like those other laptops! *pouts*), I'll just amuse myself with this 'Exciting' Fishing Game! Thank you Y-H for it! Lol. My mom is going to sigh at all the junk you've brought into my room since last week!
Friday, June 16, 2006
Construct: Build and Destroy
Take, for instance, the mindless car racing game for PS2, Need For Speed: Underground. It is absolutely pointless. There are four types of racing in the game known as Drag, Drift, Laps and Knock-outs. Pointless. There is no use for it in real life. In fact, it is bad for real life. Hello? Knocking about public property? Speeding at 180km/h? CRASHING into buildings or cars due to dangerous weaving in and out of traffic? Other than that, it is a fun game. I like doing up the vinyls and trying to install parts which will help my gameplay. Hey, not everyone likes a 'weightless' car. Personally, I like some weight so that my turns can be sharp without going into spin.
Next up is The Simpsons: Hit And Run. I love it. The quirkiness. The storyline. The voices. The races. The insane missions! Yes, no brainpower needed to complete the game.
Another pre-loved game of mine is probably the PC game Midtown Madness 2. Being a cabby on the streets of London is no small matter! I had training in ship (real, sea worthy ones bobbing on the Thames) hopping, speed racing, 180 degrees turns, etc. My favourite 'unlocked' car is, of course, the invisible sports car. Uh, somehow though, the police still can see me and chase me down when I drive that one.
Oh hey, I only just noticed my tendency of loving racing games!
On to my main point (don't give me that "What! She's been crapping all along?" look), I am so bouncy bouncy happy happy today because I have been given the hope that I'll be able to play the DOS game Constructor by Acclaim today. Yes...after years of waiting and searching, finally somebody (Bra-thoven and InSeanity of http://utarants.blogcome.com/) has shown me the way. Yay! I finished downloading the game... but I'm feeling rather apprehensive of installing the game! What if I can't play it? I can't bear the thought!
However, someone told me to try it. Better to have tried and failed then to be scared to not have done anything about it.
I am being overdramatic! Not like me yet SO like me.
So, with my hopes up (way way up!), I shall forge on and install the game right after I publish this post. Wish me lots of luck. I'm going to need it since tomorrow I'm having a midterm exam. Can someone find my lookalike and send her over to take the exam for me?
Toodles sweeties!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
A Girl cannot have Too Many Accessories: The Earrings Saga
Fastforwarding... anyway, my second class of the day was cancelled. So I suddenly found myself with a 5 hour long break. Five hours. That's, like, one night's worth of sleep (should I be running around town the night before that is). This are one of those times within the past four weeks that I wish very much that I was living in PJ. I could use a nap and of course, some time-out. However, in reality, I could either rot in the library, gorge on caffy food, go play b-ball or...
...go to Mid Valley! Which, of course, I did. With W, I and Jo. We had a great time!
But the reason why I'm feeling all bouncy and happy right now is the fact that tomorrow I'm going to get a new soft toy. ^^; Actually, because I'm meeting someone. *i see raised eyebrows*
Whoops, got off topic there. I meant, because I got 7 new pairs of earrings. Yay! *oh god. what have i turned into? E! gimme back my identity!* Anyhow, here are some photos taken of them. Enjoy and drool over them because they're mine... not yours, MINE.
These earrings are NOT photogenic at all.
They are actually the best among the lot.
These are really cool, no? As I said regarding such beads, they're so 'oriental feel'.
This are really cute! Cute! I just couldn't help myself!
And that's it from my earring collecting today. And yes, what a collection it's become.
Monday, June 12, 2006
And so Life Begins at the White Tower (or in my case, White Office cum Warehouse Block)
Moving on however, I shall state briefly what my uni life is like right now. Busy, crazy, fun. I'm enjoying myself. But I wish E, S, Sh, R, C, and the rest were with me. I really loved those days. I'm liking my days now too but, in the end, there are still those factors which almost ruins my day everyday. But hey, I'm not one to look too much on that side of life. Life itself is too short to waste like that. I'll just bitch every now and then.
I met cool seniors and some, Not-So-Cool seniors too. I can't say exactly who are seniors and who are not. We all look the same! But I have a feeling that the freshmen this year are probably the noisiest bunch. Just a feeling. Someone prove me wrong. I wish to have a cool uni life with awesome seniors who knows a bunch of really fantastic stuff or something.
Ah, and anybody who's ever known me (even for five minutes) will also probably not be surprised by the fact that I've started off my uni life as a firm supporter of havoc and of course, social upheaval. In this case, this means going against the whole uni social structure. Starting from the top. Er, yes...that means faculty president. Out with the Flip-flips and in with the Cool Kids (yup, total egotistical line there). Only problem is, some of these ppl are pretty NATO and actually have more bark than bite. Let's not even go into specifics and names! We know who you are, hey, YOU know who you are.
There's the fact that we were all for UTAR and then like, they dumped us. They dumped us. Yup. Oh, except for Kaya. She's in now. She's fucking emcee! Yay! We're rooting for her but we don't the rest of them one bit. So, we decided to have our own pool party (you can read all about it in the posts below). And it's coming along fine really. I just have problems with home base (which, of course, includes my best buds all. I swear we'll have another awesome party for ourselves later ok!).
Anyhow, that's about it for my life. There is another matter of course but I shall disclose that later because, as I type, I'm having trouble with that particular matter over the darn thing known as SMS. Toodles, sweeties!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
RSVP your spot today!
Only, now, the party has a Super VIP status. Half-joking again. It turns out, we, the organisers, like to be private and uppity (half-joking).
(I might not make sense from sentence to sentence because I'm trying to write a post while watching Happy Tree Friends. Excellent stuff.)
So, I'd like confirmation on who'd like to go to the party. The faster you tell me, the sooner I can confirm your spot to the party. =) It'll be fun.
Oh, however, my advice remains the same. Please bring along an extra change of clothing and a towel to dry off with. That's about it for now.
DO NOT sms me for more details. Try going online and emailing me. I may use a postpaid line but as I've always said, I use it because I know how to budget myself. My monthly bills have always been in the same range except for some months where people like all of you sms me like mad and expect replies. Or you miss call me. I KNOW your problems but I have my own too. Once in a while is fine. And you all know it's not like as if I actually am a stingy poker or anything. But when I INSIST on other options of communications, that means I'm toeing the line. And what a fine line it is, between trust and distrust from parents.
Monday, June 05, 2006
We are Nearing the Truth!
They will do nothing. Because one is in the foulest of emotions (I, for the record, am on the fence because I didn't see the whole thing but heard it only), another is having a trip down G Lane (not G-tali), one more's doing the uh-huh thing, the other is going round spreading it and the last is just, enjoying it. Me? I view myself as two things. Two things of which I shall not mention here.
Anyway, the LATEST update on the party is this. I have the 'envelope' in my hands! What's in there, only the committee knows...which they don't because...I haven't told anyone yet! Tada! *bangs head on wall*
So, who will win the favour of the Utar Rebellion Party tomorrow? Stay tuned for more!
To Party at one end of Selangor or the Other? Pros and cons to date!
I need input. Like, no input means I'll just minus you people from the equation. Haha. I was half-joking. I'm no quitter. And I'm dead set on this party thing. Our only glitch at the moment is Mr Hakim is NOT in town. Goodie. And nobody is willing to call. Oh wait, Andrew is calling. K has some issues and he is complaining. That's call 'buruk siku' you know! I realise you had to make some 'unwanted' calls yesterday. So make them. I gave you a choice when I asked you to do it.
Anyhow, here's the dilemma.
House 1, SS14 Subang Jaya, SELANGOR
It's not to say walking distance or even cycling distance from UTAR PJ campus. It is reasonably sized and the pool's cozy. It needs some work before it can be a true party venue. Work, of which, as young people, we should do because everything is experience. It's an ideal place, in my opinion and most of the main organisers.
I'm not sure of buses heading into the area but according to Wendy, there are buses. It did take me only about 20 minutes to get there in my car from the campus BUT it was not 'jam hours'. The highway and area around SS14 are VERY famous as the stars of the daily morning and evening traffic jam reports. Buses don't run after 11 do they? So...I really don't understand the initial argument which I will elaborate later.
Pool 2, Astaria, Taman Kosas, Ampang, SELANGOR
It is rumoured to have a BIG pool. Our researcher of the area, Andrew, has seen it and confirmed its size. It's big people. And...it's more than half the price of House 1 unfortunately. Why unfortunate? Because it is in...AMPANG, apparently. *shrug*
Distance from PJ to Ampang is, notably longer than it takes to reach Subang Jaya. You'll have to take the LRT Putra either to Jelatek/Dato Keramat station and then catch a bus/taxi to the place. Or you can opt to switch trains at the Putra LRT Masjid Jamek station to the Star LRT Masjid Jamek station. Both stations are right next to each other. Cute huh. And it's actually on the way NOT out of the way. Finally, you will arrive at the Star LRT Ampang station. There are lots of buses that go in the direction of Astaria. I KNOW not everyone has a car but there are always taxis running around in Ampang area. It is a nighttime town, so to speak. Jalan Ampang is very famous and Astaria is just off this famous road.
HELP! I'm in a complete dilemma. Maybe the actual guests can give their opinion? Anyway, Andrew's (hopefully!) is still trying to contact Mr Hakim who owns House 1 or manages it at least. Does anybody have any other leads on how to get ahold of the guy?
Oh, and if you have any questions about the venues before I hold a vote...just ask! Email is possible too at: MZ.diablo@gmail.com
PS Joshua, can I post this on the ants blog too? I'll correct my English and my phrasing, etc. Er, of course, I'll 'nicen' the whole thing. Maybe make in boxes kind of comparison? Dunno la. But I thought if we can't decide ourselves, maybe we should let the kiddies decide? But I also don't like the idea of er, letting them know about this. LOL. But it's a good thing too.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Organising a Party 101
I admit, this is the first time I'm organising one so big. Seriously. It's small in corporate terms but big in my books. And I'm feeling the adrenaline rush already! Let's make this happen!
Well, to bring you all up-to-date on the current party situation. This will be a RSVP party. It's a pool party for heaven's sake, we need to RSVP it. And anshin-shiro (do not fret) minna (everyone), we, as the organising committee shall not cheat you of your money (unlike some other...er, formal occasion. we're paying for the VIPs...is that true??? lol). Everything we collect will go straight to the downpayments, food and entertainment. We'll scrimp, beg (should that fail, we will start cracking our knuckles) for your money's worth!
Which, is VERY worth it. This is classified information so don't tell on me (shhh!).. to get on the guest list of the Party of the Year...you only need to pay about RM40 give or take and be nice to me and the others especially the freshmen. The venue targeted is situated in Subang Jaya. The area is opposite Persiaran Kewajipan (the one that is always featured in the morning and evening traffic jam reports unfortunately). Another infamous landmark is that area would be the Subang Jaya Medical Centre (SJMC). But let's not jinx it shall we? Besides, this should be enough to answer some FAQs I've been getting lately!
And! We're looking for helpers to clean up the place with us. We need you, people! And trust me, it'll be fun! Not to mention it is an experience we're offering, one you will probably never get another time! Really. Because this involves a pool. ^^; Don't run away yet! Cause if you do, I WON'T play strip poker at the party and wear...skin-tight items (or perhaps do away with it?). Just contact me and we'll arrannge something!
I'm not entirely sure what other help we'll be needing but I hope you'll all pull through for the party! We get what we put in after all so let's make this a BLAST!
Thursday, June 01, 2006
The Pool Party
So, anyhow, while the organising committee gets itself organised, I'd like to flame some people and gloat at the same time!
First off is a certain someone who's been dampening my spirit about this. I have lots of spirit so it hardly matters but it still can be felt when someone steps on my toe, ya know! Anyhow, as to your more 'rational' aka pessimistic and no-confidence views, we've upped you now! The area in mind is in Subang/Sunway. I drove there this afternoon, took me only about 15-20 minutes at speeds of 55km/h average.
I'm good at drawing maps and giving directions anyway! And if I can do it on my first try (nobody in the car knew exactly where the heck that place was), anybody with reasonable driving skills can too. Oh, there's a bus that goes there too so no worries people!
Oh, why the heck am I writing on this blog anyway? Lol. Because I'm having a one-man strike at the new blog! I dont' care if nobody reads this because publicity is going to be done by someone else. I just help with the questions and comments aka moderating. Bozu? Can publicise this blog too? Lol. (BTW, this is JUST a JOKE)
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Webmasters are Sucky when they're Not You
In the past few years, I've tried really hard to curb my well-known temper. Yes, VERY well known in secondary school days. I believe I've curbed it successfully too. I don't lose it too easily and it makes life easier.
Once of the best examples would be the former 1G editorial at K-T-A-R when the ed (really amusing and NOT amusing at the same time) kept changing and changing the contents and ideas for the editorial. Nyum. Somehow, the other depts didn't redo anything but the Graphics Dept had to change our work (I'm so happy my dept was so understanding) just about four or five times. No problem right?
There was actually. We had DATELINES to adhere to on all those CHANGES. And we MADE those datelines only to have either the ed or the co-ed tell us, 'Oh, sorry, we're going to have to change...'
Seriously. Was it any surprise I Resigned after I completed the Prototype? Geez. The jokers must've thought it was such a f-ing breeze to do such stuff because they never bothered to keep fighting for it to be out. In fact, I believe and KNOW that, once I resigned, the whole thing just sort of...stopped. F to the maximum degree.
Why am I complaining? I agreed to do the work. If boss wants it changed, change la. What's my problem?
I had to f-ing do all the EDITTING work for one. With three other dept eds, one ed in chief and one co-ed, you would think the job would be done. EVERY article had to be editted for simple GRAMMATICAL mistakes and spelling errors. A, even had the cheek to tell me, don't edit the 'purposeful' errors. Hello b-dy head? I'm not stupid.
Then, the mag was supposed to be 30 pages. And those f-ing i's gave me THIRTY articles exactly. More Than Half the articles didn't even reach 150 words. How the f-ing h was I suppose to make 30 pages? And the articles! Lousy! No direction given by the dept eds to their reporters and writers on what the f to write. So they wrote on stuff like...'How to Remember your Dreams'. That one was a record. only 62 words. Haha. That's ONE article for you. to be fitted into ONE page. What size font was I to use? 100? So, you guessed it, I WROTE about 9 PAGES worth of articles. PERSONALLY.
And they thought I was overreacting?!?!!?
Anyway, it's all in the past. I don't hold grudges against those people. I just think they make f-ing lousy bosses for NOT doing what their job titles entails. The 'and more' part is just an extra. They could've told us the problems they faced with finance and see what bright ideas a team of b-dy 35 people could come up with! (as it was, my graphics dept had to divide the letters of the dictionary among ourselves to think up names for the thing. what's the f-ing WRITING dept doing with a staff of 12 people compared to my 6?)
So, when bozu changed the layout suddenly after telling me his set theme and asking me to make a banner. All this memories of irritatingness rushed back and served to heighten the sensation of deja vu and, well...irritatingness.
Well, haha. I'm not taking any of the likes no more at least until I reach the working world. Hence, I wanna and I'm gonna quit being the bozu's sendiri punya lai list of 'workers'. Doesn't anybody check who's more capable before appointment? Humph.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Dead on My Feet (and still Socialising!)
Then, eat fast, took a quick shower, changed my clothing and bam, I'm on my way out again within half an hour. Partee partee! Don't mind me but, the party was a little lamo. The guests were interesting though. The house *makes an obscene moan* was gorgeous! It was N-Y-U-M! The seven feet deep man-made pond was delectable! With the cute serene waterfall at the far end and those huge koi fish...eek! It screams to me to go and admire it. And I did! (Sorry to my girlfriend Sue and Emma because I didn't take photo. F.D 3 still haunts my dreams! *rolls eyes*)
Anyhow, fast-forward! I left the part about fifteen minutes after I arrived (just as the other girls were starting to get used to noisy me! dang I wished I'd gotten the chance to know them a little better!). It's off to Subang! Then Kelvin the meanie-poo (he said something about church) didn't answer my SMS. So we went past and took the NPE (New Pantai Expressway, Emma and Linda! Geez) straight into Shah Alam to find Ikin.
Bang bang around and tada! Ikin's not home or something. Sheesh. Mean girl. Asked us to go get her and she's not to be found. (She claims her hp was off and she WAS home. oh well.) So, we bang around again and went to that funny place that has 100 types of roti canai. That day's roti was Roti...*drumroll!* TELUR! Hahahahahhaa, betcha thought I was gonna order Roti KLCC because I keep harping about it. Maybe next time, yeah? Oh, Ikin met up with us there in a bit. She's having some serious guy problems!
Bang bang! Somehow, we reach home. Oh yeah, wasn't it something, the way we kept taking all the expressways and highways (the ones with the tolls unlike FEDERAL aka PERSEKUTUAN) without having change or enough money on Ray-boy or my own TnG? Heh, gamble la! My smallest note is fifty, you know? Pay RM1.50 toll fee with it? Siao ah lu!
At least, I reached home at about...1 something? God knows what the others did. But they were tired too so guess their destination was beds too. Not the same one though! I had to pack my stuff for class tomorrow morning (aka this morning now or rather yesterday morning since it's now past midnight). My room was and still is a mess. Nichii bags around the floor, clothes strewn on everything, my books and notes and random papers were just stacked up in many little piles on my bed, practically covering it...ugh. Oh well, just sweep everything to the floor and tada, space to sleep. (Pau-chan's probably shaking her head right now) By the time I actually slept, it was about 2.30am.
This morning (sheesh, last time I'm gonna state this; THIS morning = Saturday morning aka YESTERDAY morning) woke up at five to eight. Morning business as usual. Then breakfast! Curry maifun at BBA Chuan Hupp. Nyum...nyum? The taste is there but the smell is absent, hence I only ate about slightly more than half the bowl. Then it's off to class.
I reached there about an hour plus earlier. Argh! Why isn't there anywhere to sleep in UTAR?
Class was pretty fun. I think I'm beginning to get over my anti-Chinese language attitude. I think I'm going to love it as much as Japanese. =) I can't wait to pick up brush writing again actually. No idea why. Lau Shi Lau would be so pleased with me, or not!
THEN, it's lunch and the Kelvin-Got-SUPER-Lost fiasco. (Oh, in case Bozu's still wondering, yeah, I AM MekZ) I shall not even talk about such a sad thing on my blog. I'll bitch about it later on his blog. Haha. me and Ista got lots to say about it, yeah!
I only got home about 6pm. Actually, I totally forgot I promised Wai Leng and Pui C I'd go to the art gallery opening at CENFAD with them. Oops. Luckily they SMSed to tell me they pushed back the meeting time by half an hour more. Lucky lucky!
Bang bang. And hour plus later and I'm out the door again. The art gallery was pretty cool actually! The fashion show...has some real good talent and some, to be questioned ones. But all of them really are fashion designers! To the CORE! The other arts on display were awesome. I particularly liked the Jay Chou mic stand (hope Vincent don't get big-headed yeah!), the Rive (is that right?) and a few of the architecture models on display. Big smile!
Oh, a special shoutout to that one guy I met in the section featuring designs for ads or something? I totally forgot to ask your name and I totally forgot to give you mine. That was just HOW tired I was. Socialising but forgetting the basics. ^^; I think your BAG design rawks! The t-shirt...heh. As I said, I'd buy the t-shirt just to get the bag! You'll get better! Don't be too lazy next time k! =)
What else, oh yeah. I met interesting people at that art show. I'm glad I went! I met an interesting girl too because I decided to go to the art show and she's none other than the girl who was in the car with me! Her initials are MY but I'm rather scared to type her name because I'm not sure how it's spelled!
Oh, and if anyone needs my services in writing for them, reviews, caption-writing, etc, I'm open to it! I do it willingly and VOLUNTARILY (that's what we all wanna hear hmm? free stuff) because I like it and it's a great way to meet people and connect. I'll only charge for my services when I really get better and more pro (aka more requests and the kaching kaching potential just cannot be ignored any longer).
I got back about 11 something just now. I'm seriously, dead tired. I need to do my homework tomorrow, clean up my room and sllleeeeeppppp! Today it must be done. Maybe I'll even have time to wash the car's exterior? Damn the dusty UTAR area.
It is now, ugh, 1.13am. I need to get up at 8 again.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Oh, hey, ppl. My name is *** **** but you can call me Max*** or, I prefer to use my online handle when I'm online, Memedi. You wanna add -kun, -chan, -san, -sama or -dono does not matter to me. Flames? I'm immune to them!
Anyhow, well, what am I suppose to blog about now? I have blogs galore that I'm dried out. Hmm, well, Bozu wants to start a JR blog or maybe a Just Our Bunch blog or something. Wanna use this one? I'll get working on the graphics if you want...
Seriously, doesn't anyone uses L***J******? Oh well.
Classes have begun at university. I've met lots of people *god, i'm socialising...again* who're interesting. Hmm, lecturers seem ok. English lec though, Thumbs Up!
Yes, I'm just lazy to type right now. Wait until I'm in the mood. Right now, I'm so hungry I just wanna smash the keyboard. Lunch has not arrived home yet. *sniffles*
Okay, later then.