Not that I have anything against pink but it simply did not measure up against the red coloured one which Jusco had but the design of the bag was different and noticeably smaller than the one I wanted. A big 'X' from my mother. Oh, well. She's paying after all.
I was wandering (not lost, I don't get lost. Just doesn't happen) in 1U with my family a couple of weeks ago when I came across a luggage shop. It's become my habit to glance in the direction of such shops in the hopes that I will find the bag I wanted to much. I saw the familiar pattern then.
And it And orange....don't forget the orange one.
Here's the bag. I didn't have time to process the other pics.
As they say, beggars cannot be choosers. Ah, not that I am one. I've just completely fallen for the old gold E design. Pink's just another shade of red after all.
Next buy-buy post will be on the cuter things I acquired from Chiang Mai.
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