Tuesday, November 21, 2006

It's been 15 Days, some Hours, Minutes and of course, Seconds.

Been busy. This and that. I hope everyone's doing fine...what with finals here and all. Not mine of course. I already hold my exam result slip in my hands for the past three weeks at least and have known its contents through my university website for more than two times that period.

Anyhow, I'm trying to waste some time before I go house hunting in awhile. Nothing like it really. I love looking at new house designs. Gives me ideas for my miniatures (not that I've laid down the foundations on the first one, based on a story written...well, in my head really).

But today, I'm not looking for a home (family business that). I'm going to look for a place to stay during my duration at UTAR and who knows, maybe longer. What's for sure is this temporary place is going to be in PJ, somewhere within walking distance to Section 13. When I get a place, you'll all be welcome to visit...prior call required of course.

Btw, has anyone been to Bkt Antarabangsa lately...particularly the area called Bukit Utama? The new houses being built there are gorgeous. Absolutely, fantastically gorgeous. Go check out the show house if you have nothing else better to do this coming holidays. As for me, I'm heading in the opposite direction. Down south to Klang. I heard there were pretty places there with cheap price tags. ^^; REALLY cheap, compared to what I've seen lately and trust me, I've seen quite a number.

Shall we go one round when the holiday's started (for you of course, not me. again)? I'd love to photograph those pretty places....though lots of it had this irritating 'No Camera' sign outside. Whatever.

Oh, and Happy Birthday to Y-H. Dah tua la.


Anonymous said...


so, have you found any??

Memedi-kun said...

I found a place in PJ! =) Ista and me are having a bit of a problem finding another housemate though! Oh well.