Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Lazy Bug

Caught it and can't seem to shake it off. Damn bug.

I need a new organiser. One of those pretty ones I used to sell maybe. My life is getting really full of appointments and activities that I am getting quite sick of having to remind myself over and over again. I wish I could just go out for one day and get everything done. Too bad life cannot be lived by myself and I need others. Hence, I am blaming my seeming inadequateness on other people.

Said other people are 1) certain people from the university staff, 2) that small 'boy' and 3) a person I have to operate under (and hopefully not for any longer). Blek to you all.

Anyhow, I need to get moving. Proposals upon proposals. Appointments and meetings. I'll make an excellent 1) event organiser or 2) personal or company secretary. Looks like I have my life cut out for me...NOT.

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