Monday, March 13, 2006
Congratulations are in order for the 4000+ students (was what I heard on the radio correct?) who achieved straight A's in their SPM examinations last year. That's quite a number of people! Makes one wonder at either a) the low level of examination standards in this country or b) was it that hard that they had to lower the bar that much??? or maybe even c) have our students suddenly gotten a brain jolt, d) bullshit to the people sitting in their super expensive leather armchairs about taking both co-curricular activities as importantly as academics (we don't see papers brouhaha-ing over let's say, thirty seven students who were raised up to be Pandu Puteri Diraja's within one year or joining the uniform body) and last but surely not least e) are our students actually BETTER at English than we had supposed?
If I am not mistaken (which I sincerely hope I am so please, I accept corrections most humbly and gratefully), last year's Sciences and Mathematics papers were in English. To have that many straight A's, A1's too to boot, showed that students actually understand this language quite well. So, why are we so worried?
Is there something we, the common people, do not know?
Like, for instance, the actual passing mark for the exam papers for last year's SPM? (this will apply to Malay language papers too of course)
Well, perhaps I'm being bitter about the whole thing. I didn't get as many A's as my father had expected me to get but actually, truthfully...I'm okay with that. I chose my future. I would've liked more A's I suppose (who doesn't?) but weren't the other things I had that you all didn't, make it worth it?
What do I have that you don't, you ask? I have memories. A lot more than you do. I have lots of experience and learned a lot of things compared to you. I learnt about life and made friends from all over the country and then some. I sacrificed time and effort for more than just my academics. And I'm proud of it. And I'm contented with life. I have lived my uniform-wearing days to its fullest.
It's a give and take situation really. If you give all your time to studying, I don't believe that you would not get the results you set out to achieve. If you have given part of that time to the other equally (to me) important things in life like friends, and creating cherished moments, the time sacrificed would be translated into...anything less than an A. But don't people say, A's are not everything in this world?
If you even have to ask what's the use of my memories and friends if my 'future' is jeopardised then you are one sad person who's missed out on all the good things in life.
But all in all, I suppose it comes back to what one wants in life. I'm happy with mine.
And to the STPM students whose results are coming out this Thursday...don't be afraid! Don't cry! Whatever comes, comes. I personally believe (isn't that what this whole post is about?) that what goes around comes around. If you've put in your best (don't lie to yourself!) you will get the results you desire. Don't come with your false confidence and fake beliefs. You get what you give.
To, Chi-kun. I don't remember which exam it was, but remember when you told me something so selfish about you not liking the fact that I got some sort of better result or something? I can't remember the details but I remember the feeling and it was of hurt. I was truly happy for you then but you had to go and drop some dead weight on my head. Don't be so insensitive in the future, okay! My good wishes go with you!
Sunday, August 05, 2007
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