Thursday, September 21, 2006
If you See me then you Mean It then you Know you Have To Go.
No wait. I think there is something more irritating than all the above. It is when you pick up the phone and what you hear is either silence or nonsense. It is just the other end trying to gauge how pissed off you are. Really, do we need such crude confirmations? It's amazing how the typed word no longer holds any power of its own. Guess the Internet wasn't as powerful as it seems after all.
What a day! It's been amazingly tiring and full of ups and downs. One whole day at a workshop/seminar at the university is certainly not a picnic. What's more, dinner was a lonely affair and the evening conversations were rather catastrophic.
Ah, I want to update my Messenger 'Block List'.
I want to think properly this time.
I'm wondering, do things like important life events in one's life, happen only when it is convenient to us to have them? They'd think of our classes, exams, etc...?
I've just had a huge project dumped into my hands. It's huge and there's no one else. That's such a shame. Thank Heavens for the people around me though.
Coffee is what I need.
I want back my simple life. Do you see it? Have you seen it? Give it back to me.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Kareshi yo.
I don't think the last part of the message was where the message was cute.
The part where it says 'save some for me' is where it's cute. And the 'i kena' too. So you do have certain patterns downpat at least. *whew" At least those two lines saved you a lot of painful and sarcastic words.
I'd love to take a moment however to appreciate a few people.
There. Finished appreciating those people. You know who you are. You'll never need to face certain facets of me ever. Its called immunity. I really love all of you for accepting me and then giving me my just desserts, getting your own back and then able to laugh with me in the end. There are so many things I'm grateful for but I'll just keep it where it belongs...out of sight! lol
Ah, as to more questions. I'm going to university tomorrow first thing in the morning. Some idiot's having a meeting. Then I'm driving to Genting. Come seek me out and we'll have a blast in the ghost house...disturbing the ghosts (been there done that?). I'll be staying overnight there so don't worry about not catching me. Ah, no crashing in my room however unless you bring nice food and your own sleeping bag.
I'll be back on Tuesday, mid afternoon I suppose. I hope to have tea then with J? Which reminds me I have to call J and ask if J + 2 wants lunch? Then it's a busy Wednesday at a workshop at the university *duh. as if i would do it willingly out of my responsibilities*.
Thursday looks like a day at A for me. My tag calls for me I believe. Just have to tell the guy J tomorrow. Btw, I heard a-K cancelled on us tomorrow. Can you guess what the a means? Hahahahaa.
Good night everyone from me at 1.30a.m and haven't packed and haven't finished watching my Host Club series. Funny issit, disturbing me the whole night!
Saturday, September 16, 2006
It's Over!
So while I'm waiting for W to come out of the exam hall (looks like she's going to use the full two hours!) so that I can drop her off at the bus stop, let's review my exam.
Right on top of the list if of course, the paper I just sat for. I am not telling anyone what paper it was because for some unknown reason, I detest people knowing it. Anyhow, I think I bombed something awful on this paper. it's like...I knew everything but the LAST piece of the answer. Just one tiny little bloody important piece. There goes my marks. This is like a horror repeat of my mid-term actually...just that, I managed to score the highest in mid-term so it isn't all that bad I suppose.
Another shocking paper was English (journalists have to sharpen their weapons). It was TOUGH! The lecturer warned us but we didn't believe her. It was IELTS level...definitely. I don't like it! I hope there is no more English subjects in the future (reminds me to go check the course schedule on the intranet soon). I was stumped at some questions in the exam. I couldn't even think of a cock and bull story for the questions (THAT bad).
Ah, the others...I managed to wing through.
Oh, Pengajian Malaysia paper isn't exactly tough. Damn I didn't study so that's why I couldn't even answer easy questions like 'Senaraikan 3 badan berkanun'. Die. Lol. Hopefully I can pass this paper.
Eh, lazy to talk. Damn hungry now.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
To my Fallen Butterfly
A small tribute to my beloved Butterfly (from my purple velvet handphone cover) that was Lost during the trek I made to the Office of the Evil and Petty People on that faithful day. That very day marks the turning point in my life when I finally accepted that our Country has a bleak future unless something is done to remedy the attitude of our people.
ロストバタフライ ルルティア
(Lost Butterfly RURUTIA)
Butterfly 彷徨うよ 地下鉄は迷宮さ
はばたいても はばたいても 見つからない 出口
Someday もし君に そんな日が 訪れたら
思い出して 思い出して 僕は此処にいるよ
幸せの意味はたぶん 心の数だけあって
だけど それじゃ多すぎて
見失う 僕ら
さあ 繰り返すような日常が
焦るほど絡みつく 夢というクモの糸
君が羽焦がし飛ぶのなら 太陽さえ 届くだろう
美しく 熔ければいい 微笑み 見せながら
Anyway いつの日か 人は皆 別れゆく
それでもいい それでもいい 君に僕は逢えた
Far away 離れても 幸せは祈れるよ
届かなくても 届かなくても 君の歌を作ろう
生まれた意味は きっと
死にゆく時 気づける
だけど それじゃ遅すぎて
彷徨うよ 僕ら
さあ 押し潰すような現実は
変われるから 君は君で 在り続けるのさ
君が声嗄らし叫ぶなら 三日月さえ 落ちるだろう
躊躇わず ゆくがいい かすかな光でも...
焦るほど絡みつく 夢というクモの糸
君が羽焦がし飛ぶのなら 太陽さえ 届くだろう
美しく 熔ければいい 微笑み 見せながら
Like a wandering butterfly in a labyrinth
Fluttering without finding a way out
If that would someday happen to you
Remember, I'm right here
The meaning of happiness is probably
Just a number in our hearts, but
If it's too much, we lose sight of us
Come, these repeating ordinarities
Are slowly changing the future
Hurrying will only weave webs around our dreams
If you could fly with those wings
You could probably reach the sun
They would melt beautifully while you smiled
Anyway, some day everyone will part
And yet, nevertheless, I met you
Even if we're separated, I can wish for your happiness
If it won't reach you, I'll make this song for you
Surely, the reason for our births
Will worry us when we're about to die
But at that time it will be too late
For us to roam about
Come, the crushing reality
Is changing you, I know
But even if you change, you will still be you
If you shouted your voice dry
Even the crescent moon would probably fall
Go on without hesitation, for there is a faint light...
Looking on the brighter side however, check out my new chiffon babydoll top! Its ability to be a layer-type clothing is not lost on me and I am pleased with it. It looks excellent with my (okay, correction. My mom's. Though I am holding the jacket prisoner) red suede jacket too.