I'm sitting in the university's computer lab right now, thinking why in the world am I not using my laptop? The answer is, tada liao battery ne!
I'm waiting for the society meeting to start. I feel very much like that Prop Mistress I was back in school before and I'm itching to pick up bolts of cloths, sequins, styrofoam, cutters, rulers, etc. I haven't been able to continue my miniature collection because I have too little time. As it is, I arrive at campus by 8a.m latest (leave my house by 6.50a.m) and come home only at 7p.m to 8.30p.m. Life is such a rush. I rather dislike it. Thank God for the fun I manage to have.
Talking about fun, this Saturday's the pool party. It's no longer rebellious but its gonna be better than the ball, that much I'm assured. Now, all we need are the cereal to pop up.
Me? I'm all for it. And the way things are going, looks like I'm ***** ** **** ** **** *** **** ** *** **** **** **** *** *** *****. Btw, none of the censored words are profanities. I knew I should have ******* **** or *** ** ** *****. Uh huh. Very *** ****. Again, none of the censored words are profanities. Let's keep our heads up and above choppy waters shall we? =)
Looks like I've got to run. I hope the meeting will be enjoyable. I, P and myself are probably gonna discuss another society's business within another society's business. Haha. Take that, people!
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Friday, June 23, 2006
Today's Celebrations include..
My dad's birthday! Yay! Happy Birthday, Dad! (Not that you'll ever see this *and heaven forbid it to happen!*)
And it is also (here we go again P!) Fors Fortuna, or the Day Sacred to Fortuna. Fortuna is a Greek goddess. She is the personification of *duh* fortune. She is particularly worshipped by mothers because she is originally the goddess of blessings and fertility. I wonder why she's worshipped by mothers and not by wanna-be mothers?
Today is also Let It Go Day! So people, if you have any pent-up frustrations or unanswered desires or caged up anger...let it go! Free it like pigeons in India! Give them wings and watch them take flight. Leave them behind and forge on ahead with new determination and spirit! If I can do it, so can you!
It is also National Pink Day (probably in the States?). So, have you fulfilled your Pink quota for the day? Let's all get in the mood and bounce around looking like cotton candy shall we? Weee, WEEE! *rolls eyes*
Anyhow, moving on, I've got a request to update readers on the Constructor game. Haha. Didn't I tell you? After NOT being able to play the game upon installation, I had to download a DOS emulator program called DOSbox. That one wasn't so hard to set up (wouldn't know the details because i was just lazing on the bed while my brother worked the laptop). Then the game was PATHETICALLY slow, so slow that even after 4 months (gameplay time) of being a constructor, I haven't even built ANYTHING. Not even a woodyard let alone houses! Sean! Bra! Help! (should probably ask him through email or at the ants blog)
Forgive me if I sound weird today. Because I'm feeling nauseous and rather sick. I'm having the sniffles and a rather bad sneezing problem. This is due to a very sensitive nose and body temperature-receptors. I was in a very stuffy and hot changing room today. My wastepaper basket is half full with used tissue already. My laptop area looks like a tissue disaster happened to it *that's exactly what happened!*
And it is also (here we go again P!) Fors Fortuna, or the Day Sacred to Fortuna. Fortuna is a Greek goddess. She is the personification of *duh* fortune. She is particularly worshipped by mothers because she is originally the goddess of blessings and fertility. I wonder why she's worshipped by mothers and not by wanna-be mothers?
Today is also Let It Go Day! So people, if you have any pent-up frustrations or unanswered desires or caged up anger...let it go! Free it like pigeons in India! Give them wings and watch them take flight. Leave them behind and forge on ahead with new determination and spirit! If I can do it, so can you!
It is also National Pink Day (probably in the States?). So, have you fulfilled your Pink quota for the day? Let's all get in the mood and bounce around looking like cotton candy shall we? Weee, WEEE! *rolls eyes*
Anyhow, moving on, I've got a request to update readers on the Constructor game. Haha. Didn't I tell you? After NOT being able to play the game upon installation, I had to download a DOS emulator program called DOSbox. That one wasn't so hard to set up (wouldn't know the details because i was just lazing on the bed while my brother worked the laptop). Then the game was PATHETICALLY slow, so slow that even after 4 months (gameplay time) of being a constructor, I haven't even built ANYTHING. Not even a woodyard let alone houses! Sean! Bra! Help! (should probably ask him through email or at the ants blog)
Forgive me if I sound weird today. Because I'm feeling nauseous and rather sick. I'm having the sniffles and a rather bad sneezing problem. This is due to a very sensitive nose and body temperature-receptors. I was in a very stuffy and hot changing room today. My wastepaper basket is half full with used tissue already. My laptop area looks like a tissue disaster happened to it *that's exactly what happened!*
Sunday, June 18, 2006
I Loved My Sunday Afternoon and Evening. What About You?
Today is the 18th of June 2006. A Sunday, to be more detailed. The weather was gloomy. The sky was overcast and big fluffy gray clouds hung low in the sky. Time did not run faster than usual nor did it go slower than normal. The air did not smell any fresher (we're right next to busy KL, hello?) and nobody called me to tell me I won a lottery (I don't even buy tickets?).
It is, however, one Sunday I will always remember and think back on with a smile.
Nothing out of the ordinary happened really. I have no idea why I'm even blogging about it. I just thought I'd share with you my happiness. Why in the world am I feeling so contented? Like a cat who's just gotten her cream...and more, I guess! Just feeling like Homer Simpson's line in the game Hit & Run, "Bouncy, bouncy!" and then he jumps (more like flaps) up twice in the air.
It is not noticeable, this happiness of mine. Not noticeable because I'm usually all bouncy and chirpy most of the time. Some might even say, my internal clock's gone haywire and I'm becoming like the giddy nutjob I usually am come midnight and 1am. Well, maybe I am. And I have no complaints about that! Think about it this way, now I can act haywire at any time! My clock's gone wonky!
Talking about wonky clocks, anybody want to volunteer to wake me up for classes every morning? My clocks (the real ones, mind you) have all gone AWOL. Let's not even get into the details. Bottomline is, my alarms are not working. What will I do? (set my mother to wake me up, that's what I'll do and have done already)
Anyhow, back to my silly inner grin, just Yay! ^^; That doesn't explain much but, Yay! =) You and I both know what kind of of a person I am. Does this explain anything? Hmm, me thinks it speaks volumes.
It is, however, one Sunday I will always remember and think back on with a smile.
Nothing out of the ordinary happened really. I have no idea why I'm even blogging about it. I just thought I'd share with you my happiness. Why in the world am I feeling so contented? Like a cat who's just gotten her cream...and more, I guess! Just feeling like Homer Simpson's line in the game Hit & Run, "Bouncy, bouncy!" and then he jumps (more like flaps) up twice in the air.
It is not noticeable, this happiness of mine. Not noticeable because I'm usually all bouncy and chirpy most of the time. Some might even say, my internal clock's gone haywire and I'm becoming like the giddy nutjob I usually am come midnight and 1am. Well, maybe I am. And I have no complaints about that! Think about it this way, now I can act haywire at any time! My clock's gone wonky!
Talking about wonky clocks, anybody want to volunteer to wake me up for classes every morning? My clocks (the real ones, mind you) have all gone AWOL. Let's not even get into the details. Bottomline is, my alarms are not working. What will I do? (set my mother to wake me up, that's what I'll do and have done already)
Anyhow, back to my silly inner grin, just Yay! ^^; That doesn't explain much but, Yay! =) You and I both know what kind of of a person I am. Does this explain anything? Hmm, me thinks it speaks volumes.
Bait it, Dangle It and Snap It Up!
Before any of you start thinking those bad bad thoughts about my title, let me assure you, I am not in the 'bad' writing spirit. In fact, I'm torn between exasperation and bounciness. Why?
This is the source of immense fun. Yes, it's another mindless game where one uses the given 'fishing rod' and tried to extract the moving fishes from the game set. The fishes wait in their respective 'holes' and moves up and down, opening and closing their mouths...just waiting for you to 'catch' them.
The game is simple enough. Just catch, catch, catch! No tricks (though there is a trick to ALWAYS catching the fish you hook on to). And definitely no hassle as the machine runs on a single D-sized battery and is virtually maintenance free.
While there is no rules to the game, we can always think of some interesting ones...catch ten fishes within 10 seconds maybe? Loser has to eat wasabi-flavoured bread. Nyum!
Anyhow, while I'm busy trying to get Constructor to run better on my laptop (yes, I realise that laptops are not meant for game purposes but my laptop's incredible and not like those other laptops! *pouts*), I'll just amuse myself with this 'Exciting' Fishing Game! Thank you Y-H for it! Lol. My mom is going to sigh at all the junk you've brought into my room since last week!
わくわく魚つソグ一ム (waku waku sakana tsungeemu*) [romaji may be wrong]
This is the source of immense fun. Yes, it's another mindless game where one uses the given 'fishing rod' and tried to extract the moving fishes from the game set. The fishes wait in their respective 'holes' and moves up and down, opening and closing their mouths...just waiting for you to 'catch' them.
The game is simple enough. Just catch, catch, catch! No tricks (though there is a trick to ALWAYS catching the fish you hook on to). And definitely no hassle as the machine runs on a single D-sized battery and is virtually maintenance free.
While there is no rules to the game, we can always think of some interesting ones...catch ten fishes within 10 seconds maybe? Loser has to eat wasabi-flavoured bread. Nyum!
Anyhow, while I'm busy trying to get Constructor to run better on my laptop (yes, I realise that laptops are not meant for game purposes but my laptop's incredible and not like those other laptops! *pouts*), I'll just amuse myself with this 'Exciting' Fishing Game! Thank you Y-H for it! Lol. My mom is going to sigh at all the junk you've brought into my room since last week!
Friday, June 16, 2006
Construct: Build and Destroy
In case anyone's wondering, my taste in games lies in the absolutely pointless ones. For me, it's like, what's the point of playing a game if it uses too much brainpower? I'm trying to enjoy myself. My brain cells (limited as they are right now after having a dozen too many instant noodles) are to be used solely for the purpose of studying and learning life's skills. Hence, the love for mindless, pure fun.
Take, for instance, the mindless car racing game for PS2, Need For Speed: Underground. It is absolutely pointless. There are four types of racing in the game known as Drag, Drift, Laps and Knock-outs. Pointless. There is no use for it in real life. In fact, it is bad for real life. Hello? Knocking about public property? Speeding at 180km/h? CRASHING into buildings or cars due to dangerous weaving in and out of traffic? Other than that, it is a fun game. I like doing up the vinyls and trying to install parts which will help my gameplay. Hey, not everyone likes a 'weightless' car. Personally, I like some weight so that my turns can be sharp without going into spin.
Next up is The Simpsons: Hit And Run. I love it. The quirkiness. The storyline. The voices. The races. The insane missions! Yes, no brainpower needed to complete the game.
Another pre-loved game of mine is probably the PC game Midtown Madness 2. Being a cabby on the streets of London is no small matter! I had training in ship (real, sea worthy ones bobbing on the Thames) hopping, speed racing, 180 degrees turns, etc. My favourite 'unlocked' car is, of course, the invisible sports car. Uh, somehow though, the police still can see me and chase me down when I drive that one.
Oh hey, I only just noticed my tendency of loving racing games!

On to my main point (don't give me that "What! She's been crapping all along?" look), I am so bouncy bouncy happy happy today because I have been given the hope that I'll be able to play the DOS game Constructor by Acclaim today. Yes...after years of waiting and searching, finally somebody (Bra-thoven and InSeanity of http://utarants.blogcome.com/) has shown me the way. Yay! I finished downloading the game... but I'm feeling rather apprehensive of installing the game! What if I can't play it? I can't bear the thought!
However, someone told me to try it. Better to have tried and failed then to be scared to not have done anything about it.
I am being overdramatic! Not like me yet SO like me.
So, with my hopes up (way way up!), I shall forge on and install the game right after I publish this post. Wish me lots of luck. I'm going to need it since tomorrow I'm having a midterm exam. Can someone find my lookalike and send her over to take the exam for me?
Toodles sweeties!
Take, for instance, the mindless car racing game for PS2, Need For Speed: Underground. It is absolutely pointless. There are four types of racing in the game known as Drag, Drift, Laps and Knock-outs. Pointless. There is no use for it in real life. In fact, it is bad for real life. Hello? Knocking about public property? Speeding at 180km/h? CRASHING into buildings or cars due to dangerous weaving in and out of traffic? Other than that, it is a fun game. I like doing up the vinyls and trying to install parts which will help my gameplay. Hey, not everyone likes a 'weightless' car. Personally, I like some weight so that my turns can be sharp without going into spin.
Next up is The Simpsons: Hit And Run. I love it. The quirkiness. The storyline. The voices. The races. The insane missions! Yes, no brainpower needed to complete the game.
Another pre-loved game of mine is probably the PC game Midtown Madness 2. Being a cabby on the streets of London is no small matter! I had training in ship (real, sea worthy ones bobbing on the Thames) hopping, speed racing, 180 degrees turns, etc. My favourite 'unlocked' car is, of course, the invisible sports car. Uh, somehow though, the police still can see me and chase me down when I drive that one.
Oh hey, I only just noticed my tendency of loving racing games!
On to my main point (don't give me that "What! She's been crapping all along?" look), I am so bouncy bouncy happy happy today because I have been given the hope that I'll be able to play the DOS game Constructor by Acclaim today. Yes...after years of waiting and searching, finally somebody (Bra-thoven and InSeanity of http://utarants.blogcome.com/) has shown me the way. Yay! I finished downloading the game... but I'm feeling rather apprehensive of installing the game! What if I can't play it? I can't bear the thought!
However, someone told me to try it. Better to have tried and failed then to be scared to not have done anything about it.
I am being overdramatic! Not like me yet SO like me.
So, with my hopes up (way way up!), I shall forge on and install the game right after I publish this post. Wish me lots of luck. I'm going to need it since tomorrow I'm having a midterm exam. Can someone find my lookalike and send her over to take the exam for me?
Toodles sweeties!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
A Girl cannot have Too Many Accessories: The Earrings Saga
Today, as usual, I almost woke up late to get a parking space again. Thank heavens for mothers who insist on having a handwritten copy of their children's timetable. Yes, mommy dearest woke me up this morning. And I've 'adjusted' her to wake me up tomorrow morning too. The most reliable 'alarm clock' anyone could ever have.
Fastforwarding... anyway, my second class of the day was cancelled. So I suddenly found myself with a 5 hour long break. Five hours. That's, like, one night's worth of sleep (should I be running around town the night before that is). This are one of those times within the past four weeks that I wish very much that I was living in PJ. I could use a nap and of course, some time-out. However, in reality, I could either rot in the library, gorge on caffy food, go play b-ball or...
...go to Mid Valley! Which, of course, I did. With W, I and Jo. We had a great time!
But the reason why I'm feeling all bouncy and happy right now is the fact that tomorrow I'm going to get a new soft toy. ^^; Actually, because I'm meeting someone. *i see raised eyebrows*
Whoops, got off topic there. I meant, because I got 7 new pairs of earrings. Yay! *oh god. what have i turned into? E! gimme back my identity!* Anyhow, here are some photos taken of them. Enjoy and drool over them because they're mine... not yours, MINE.

These earrings are NOT photogenic at all.

They are actually the best among the lot.

These are really cool, no? As I said regarding such beads, they're so 'oriental feel'.

This are really cute! Cute! I just couldn't help myself!

And that's it from my earring collecting today. And yes, what a collection it's become.
Fastforwarding... anyway, my second class of the day was cancelled. So I suddenly found myself with a 5 hour long break. Five hours. That's, like, one night's worth of sleep (should I be running around town the night before that is). This are one of those times within the past four weeks that I wish very much that I was living in PJ. I could use a nap and of course, some time-out. However, in reality, I could either rot in the library, gorge on caffy food, go play b-ball or...
...go to Mid Valley! Which, of course, I did. With W, I and Jo. We had a great time!
But the reason why I'm feeling all bouncy and happy right now is the fact that tomorrow I'm going to get a new soft toy. ^^; Actually, because I'm meeting someone. *i see raised eyebrows*
Whoops, got off topic there. I meant, because I got 7 new pairs of earrings. Yay! *oh god. what have i turned into? E! gimme back my identity!* Anyhow, here are some photos taken of them. Enjoy and drool over them because they're mine... not yours, MINE.
These earrings are NOT photogenic at all.
They are actually the best among the lot.
These are really cool, no? As I said regarding such beads, they're so 'oriental feel'.
This are really cute! Cute! I just couldn't help myself!
And that's it from my earring collecting today. And yes, what a collection it's become.
Monday, June 12, 2006
And so Life Begins at the White Tower (or in my case, White Office cum Warehouse Block)
Well, I don't know if you know but anyhow, just to let you know what I believe everyone should know by now but still don't know for some stupid reason or other...I'M STUDYING already. In a UNIVERSITY doing a DEGREE, of course. Because, why would I take a diploma if I already went through and survived the hell known as STPM? Yes, it would be a very stupid thing indeed to do so. And if you knew me at all, you would've come to the right conclusion without much ado.
Moving on however, I shall state briefly what my uni life is like right now. Busy, crazy, fun. I'm enjoying myself. But I wish E, S, Sh, R, C, and the rest were with me. I really loved those days. I'm liking my days now too but, in the end, there are still those factors which almost ruins my day everyday. But hey, I'm not one to look too much on that side of life. Life itself is too short to waste like that. I'll just bitch every now and then.
I met cool seniors and some, Not-So-Cool seniors too. I can't say exactly who are seniors and who are not. We all look the same! But I have a feeling that the freshmen this year are probably the noisiest bunch. Just a feeling. Someone prove me wrong. I wish to have a cool uni life with awesome seniors who knows a bunch of really fantastic stuff or something.
Ah, and anybody who's ever known me (even for five minutes) will also probably not be surprised by the fact that I've started off my uni life as a firm supporter of havoc and of course, social upheaval. In this case, this means going against the whole uni social structure. Starting from the top. Er, yes...that means faculty president. Out with the Flip-flips and in with the Cool Kids (yup, total egotistical line there). Only problem is, some of these ppl are pretty NATO and actually have more bark than bite. Let's not even go into specifics and names! We know who you are, hey, YOU know who you are.
There's the fact that we were all for UTAR and then like, they dumped us. They dumped us. Yup. Oh, except for Kaya. She's in now. She's fucking emcee! Yay! We're rooting for her but we don't the rest of them one bit. So, we decided to have our own pool party (you can read all about it in the posts below). And it's coming along fine really. I just have problems with home base (which, of course, includes my best buds all. I swear we'll have another awesome party for ourselves later ok!).
Anyhow, that's about it for my life. There is another matter of course but I shall disclose that later because, as I type, I'm having trouble with that particular matter over the darn thing known as SMS. Toodles, sweeties!
Moving on however, I shall state briefly what my uni life is like right now. Busy, crazy, fun. I'm enjoying myself. But I wish E, S, Sh, R, C, and the rest were with me. I really loved those days. I'm liking my days now too but, in the end, there are still those factors which almost ruins my day everyday. But hey, I'm not one to look too much on that side of life. Life itself is too short to waste like that. I'll just bitch every now and then.
I met cool seniors and some, Not-So-Cool seniors too. I can't say exactly who are seniors and who are not. We all look the same! But I have a feeling that the freshmen this year are probably the noisiest bunch. Just a feeling. Someone prove me wrong. I wish to have a cool uni life with awesome seniors who knows a bunch of really fantastic stuff or something.
Ah, and anybody who's ever known me (even for five minutes) will also probably not be surprised by the fact that I've started off my uni life as a firm supporter of havoc and of course, social upheaval. In this case, this means going against the whole uni social structure. Starting from the top. Er, yes...that means faculty president. Out with the Flip-flips and in with the Cool Kids (yup, total egotistical line there). Only problem is, some of these ppl are pretty NATO and actually have more bark than bite. Let's not even go into specifics and names! We know who you are, hey, YOU know who you are.
There's the fact that we were all for UTAR and then like, they dumped us. They dumped us. Yup. Oh, except for Kaya. She's in now. She's fucking emcee! Yay! We're rooting for her but we don't the rest of them one bit. So, we decided to have our own pool party (you can read all about it in the posts below). And it's coming along fine really. I just have problems with home base (which, of course, includes my best buds all. I swear we'll have another awesome party for ourselves later ok!).
Anyhow, that's about it for my life. There is another matter of course but I shall disclose that later because, as I type, I'm having trouble with that particular matter over the darn thing known as SMS. Toodles, sweeties!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
RSVP your spot today!
Nah, just half-joking. The venue is at Subang SS14. It is official. We have gone through very strict judging and the panel has finally decided on, House 1.
Only, now, the party has a Super VIP status. Half-joking again. It turns out, we, the organisers, like to be private and uppity (half-joking).
(I might not make sense from sentence to sentence because I'm trying to write a post while watching Happy Tree Friends. Excellent stuff.)
So, I'd like confirmation on who'd like to go to the party. The faster you tell me, the sooner I can confirm your spot to the party. =) It'll be fun.
Oh, however, my advice remains the same. Please bring along an extra change of clothing and a towel to dry off with. That's about it for now.
DO NOT sms me for more details. Try going online and emailing me. I may use a postpaid line but as I've always said, I use it because I know how to budget myself. My monthly bills have always been in the same range except for some months where people like all of you sms me like mad and expect replies. Or you miss call me. I KNOW your problems but I have my own too. Once in a while is fine. And you all know it's not like as if I actually am a stingy poker or anything. But when I INSIST on other options of communications, that means I'm toeing the line. And what a fine line it is, between trust and distrust from parents.
Only, now, the party has a Super VIP status. Half-joking again. It turns out, we, the organisers, like to be private and uppity (half-joking).
(I might not make sense from sentence to sentence because I'm trying to write a post while watching Happy Tree Friends. Excellent stuff.)
So, I'd like confirmation on who'd like to go to the party. The faster you tell me, the sooner I can confirm your spot to the party. =) It'll be fun.
Oh, however, my advice remains the same. Please bring along an extra change of clothing and a towel to dry off with. That's about it for now.
DO NOT sms me for more details. Try going online and emailing me. I may use a postpaid line but as I've always said, I use it because I know how to budget myself. My monthly bills have always been in the same range except for some months where people like all of you sms me like mad and expect replies. Or you miss call me. I KNOW your problems but I have my own too. Once in a while is fine. And you all know it's not like as if I actually am a stingy poker or anything. But when I INSIST on other options of communications, that means I'm toeing the line. And what a fine line it is, between trust and distrust from parents.
Monday, June 05, 2006
We are Nearing the Truth!
Yes...I couldn't resist but post another meaningless post...again. Lol. I just managed to get Mr Elusive-Hakim on the phone...on my first try no less (girl power, yeah!). So, (jeng jeng jeng!) the truth is finally upon us. What will the precious little committee do now?
They will do nothing. Because one is in the foulest of emotions (I, for the record, am on the fence because I didn't see the whole thing but heard it only), another is having a trip down G Lane (not G-tali), one more's doing the uh-huh thing, the other is going round spreading it and the last is just, enjoying it. Me? I view myself as two things. Two things of which I shall not mention here.
Anyway, the LATEST update on the party is this. I have the 'envelope' in my hands! What's in there, only the committee knows...which they don't because...I haven't told anyone yet! Tada! *bangs head on wall*
So, who will win the favour of the Utar Rebellion Party tomorrow? Stay tuned for more!
They will do nothing. Because one is in the foulest of emotions (I, for the record, am on the fence because I didn't see the whole thing but heard it only), another is having a trip down G Lane (not G-tali), one more's doing the uh-huh thing, the other is going round spreading it and the last is just, enjoying it. Me? I view myself as two things. Two things of which I shall not mention here.
Anyway, the LATEST update on the party is this. I have the 'envelope' in my hands! What's in there, only the committee knows...which they don't because...I haven't told anyone yet! Tada! *bangs head on wall*
So, who will win the favour of the Utar Rebellion Party tomorrow? Stay tuned for more!
To Party at one end of Selangor or the Other? Pros and cons to date!
Yes, here comes THE question. Which part of Selangor to party in? Yes, Petaling Jaya, home to the FAS Faculty of UTAR is located in (tada...*slaps forehead*) Selangor. You're NOT in KL people. Go along the Federal Highway and see the huge double archway about ten minutes from Jln Univesiti's turnoff, cross it and you will be in (waah! *bangs head on table*) Kuala Lumpur. Seriously.
I need input. Like, no input means I'll just minus you people from the equation. Haha. I was half-joking. I'm no quitter. And I'm dead set on this party thing. Our only glitch at the moment is Mr Hakim is NOT in town. Goodie. And nobody is willing to call. Oh wait, Andrew is calling. K has some issues and he is complaining. That's call 'buruk siku' you know! I realise you had to make some 'unwanted' calls yesterday. So make them. I gave you a choice when I asked you to do it.
Anyhow, here's the dilemma.
House 1, SS14 Subang Jaya, SELANGOR
It's not to say walking distance or even cycling distance from UTAR PJ campus. It is reasonably sized and the pool's cozy. It needs some work before it can be a true party venue. Work, of which, as young people, we should do because everything is experience. It's an ideal place, in my opinion and most of the main organisers.
I'm not sure of buses heading into the area but according to Wendy, there are buses. It did take me only about 20 minutes to get there in my car from the campus BUT it was not 'jam hours'. The highway and area around SS14 are VERY famous as the stars of the daily morning and evening traffic jam reports. Buses don't run after 11 do they? So...I really don't understand the initial argument which I will elaborate later.
Pool 2, Astaria, Taman Kosas, Ampang, SELANGOR
It is rumoured to have a BIG pool. Our researcher of the area, Andrew, has seen it and confirmed its size. It's big people. And...it's more than half the price of House 1 unfortunately. Why unfortunate? Because it is in...AMPANG, apparently. *shrug*
Distance from PJ to Ampang is, notably longer than it takes to reach Subang Jaya. You'll have to take the LRT Putra either to Jelatek/Dato Keramat station and then catch a bus/taxi to the place. Or you can opt to switch trains at the Putra LRT Masjid Jamek station to the Star LRT Masjid Jamek station. Both stations are right next to each other. Cute huh. And it's actually on the way NOT out of the way. Finally, you will arrive at the Star LRT Ampang station. There are lots of buses that go in the direction of Astaria. I KNOW not everyone has a car but there are always taxis running around in Ampang area. It is a nighttime town, so to speak. Jalan Ampang is very famous and Astaria is just off this famous road.
HELP! I'm in a complete dilemma. Maybe the actual guests can give their opinion? Anyway, Andrew's (hopefully!) is still trying to contact Mr Hakim who owns House 1 or manages it at least. Does anybody have any other leads on how to get ahold of the guy?
Oh, and if you have any questions about the venues before I hold a vote...just ask! Email is possible too at: MZ.diablo@gmail.com
PS Joshua, can I post this on the ants blog too? I'll correct my English and my phrasing, etc. Er, of course, I'll 'nicen' the whole thing. Maybe make in boxes kind of comparison? Dunno la. But I thought if we can't decide ourselves, maybe we should let the kiddies decide? But I also don't like the idea of er, letting them know about this. LOL. But it's a good thing too.
I need input. Like, no input means I'll just minus you people from the equation. Haha. I was half-joking. I'm no quitter. And I'm dead set on this party thing. Our only glitch at the moment is Mr Hakim is NOT in town. Goodie. And nobody is willing to call. Oh wait, Andrew is calling. K has some issues and he is complaining. That's call 'buruk siku' you know! I realise you had to make some 'unwanted' calls yesterday. So make them. I gave you a choice when I asked you to do it.
Anyhow, here's the dilemma.
House 1, SS14 Subang Jaya, SELANGOR
It's not to say walking distance or even cycling distance from UTAR PJ campus. It is reasonably sized and the pool's cozy. It needs some work before it can be a true party venue. Work, of which, as young people, we should do because everything is experience. It's an ideal place, in my opinion and most of the main organisers.
I'm not sure of buses heading into the area but according to Wendy, there are buses. It did take me only about 20 minutes to get there in my car from the campus BUT it was not 'jam hours'. The highway and area around SS14 are VERY famous as the stars of the daily morning and evening traffic jam reports. Buses don't run after 11 do they? So...I really don't understand the initial argument which I will elaborate later.
Pool 2, Astaria, Taman Kosas, Ampang, SELANGOR
It is rumoured to have a BIG pool. Our researcher of the area, Andrew, has seen it and confirmed its size. It's big people. And...it's more than half the price of House 1 unfortunately. Why unfortunate? Because it is in...AMPANG, apparently. *shrug*
Distance from PJ to Ampang is, notably longer than it takes to reach Subang Jaya. You'll have to take the LRT Putra either to Jelatek/Dato Keramat station and then catch a bus/taxi to the place. Or you can opt to switch trains at the Putra LRT Masjid Jamek station to the Star LRT Masjid Jamek station. Both stations are right next to each other. Cute huh. And it's actually on the way NOT out of the way. Finally, you will arrive at the Star LRT Ampang station. There are lots of buses that go in the direction of Astaria. I KNOW not everyone has a car but there are always taxis running around in Ampang area. It is a nighttime town, so to speak. Jalan Ampang is very famous and Astaria is just off this famous road.
HELP! I'm in a complete dilemma. Maybe the actual guests can give their opinion? Anyway, Andrew's (hopefully!) is still trying to contact Mr Hakim who owns House 1 or manages it at least. Does anybody have any other leads on how to get ahold of the guy?
Oh, and if you have any questions about the venues before I hold a vote...just ask! Email is possible too at: MZ.diablo@gmail.com
PS Joshua, can I post this on the ants blog too? I'll correct my English and my phrasing, etc. Er, of course, I'll 'nicen' the whole thing. Maybe make in boxes kind of comparison? Dunno la. But I thought if we can't decide ourselves, maybe we should let the kiddies decide? But I also don't like the idea of er, letting them know about this. LOL. But it's a good thing too.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Organising a Party 101
I admit, this is the first time I'm organising one so big. Seriously. It's small in corporate terms but big in my books. And I'm feeling the adrenaline rush already! Let's make this happen!
Well, to bring you all up-to-date on the current party situation. This will be a RSVP party. It's a pool party for heaven's sake, we need to RSVP it. And anshin-shiro (do not fret) minna (everyone), we, as the organising committee shall not cheat you of your money (unlike some other...er, formal occasion. we're paying for the VIPs...is that true??? lol). Everything we collect will go straight to the downpayments, food and entertainment. We'll scrimp, beg (should that fail, we will start cracking our knuckles) for your money's worth!
Which, is VERY worth it. This is classified information so don't tell on me (shhh!).. to get on the guest list of the Party of the Year...you only need to pay about RM40 give or take and be nice to me and the others especially the freshmen. The venue targeted is situated in Subang Jaya. The area is opposite Persiaran Kewajipan (the one that is always featured in the morning and evening traffic jam reports unfortunately). Another infamous landmark is that area would be the Subang Jaya Medical Centre (SJMC). But let's not jinx it shall we? Besides, this should be enough to answer some FAQs I've been getting lately!
And! We're looking for helpers to clean up the place with us. We need you, people! And trust me, it'll be fun! Not to mention it is an experience we're offering, one you will probably never get another time! Really. Because this involves a pool. ^^; Don't run away yet! Cause if you do, I WON'T play strip poker at the party and wear...skin-tight items (or perhaps do away with it?). Just contact me and we'll arrannge something!
I'm not entirely sure what other help we'll be needing but I hope you'll all pull through for the party! We get what we put in after all so let's make this a BLAST!
Thursday, June 01, 2006
The Pool Party
Yes, we have found GREAT venues for it. We as in the more enthusiastic and more optimistic people. You know who you are! This is SO gonna rock our year. First things first though, no 'I don't wanna get wet' business! This is a pool party! You do not come and expect to stay dry. Bikinis are highly welcome. Cute board shorts too. Any other 'getting wet' attire is EXPECTED. So, bring some extra clothes and a towel is my only advice.
So, anyhow, while the organising committee gets itself organised, I'd like to flame some people and gloat at the same time!
First off is a certain someone who's been dampening my spirit about this. I have lots of spirit so it hardly matters but it still can be felt when someone steps on my toe, ya know! Anyhow, as to your more 'rational' aka pessimistic and no-confidence views, we've upped you now! The area in mind is in Subang/Sunway. I drove there this afternoon, took me only about 15-20 minutes at speeds of 55km/h average.
I'm good at drawing maps and giving directions anyway! And if I can do it on my first try (nobody in the car knew exactly where the heck that place was), anybody with reasonable driving skills can too. Oh, there's a bus that goes there too so no worries people!
Oh, why the heck am I writing on this blog anyway? Lol. Because I'm having a one-man strike at the new blog! I dont' care if nobody reads this because publicity is going to be done by someone else. I just help with the questions and comments aka moderating. Bozu? Can publicise this blog too? Lol. (BTW, this is JUST a JOKE)
So, anyhow, while the organising committee gets itself organised, I'd like to flame some people and gloat at the same time!
First off is a certain someone who's been dampening my spirit about this. I have lots of spirit so it hardly matters but it still can be felt when someone steps on my toe, ya know! Anyhow, as to your more 'rational' aka pessimistic and no-confidence views, we've upped you now! The area in mind is in Subang/Sunway. I drove there this afternoon, took me only about 15-20 minutes at speeds of 55km/h average.
I'm good at drawing maps and giving directions anyway! And if I can do it on my first try (nobody in the car knew exactly where the heck that place was), anybody with reasonable driving skills can too. Oh, there's a bus that goes there too so no worries people!
Oh, why the heck am I writing on this blog anyway? Lol. Because I'm having a one-man strike at the new blog! I dont' care if nobody reads this because publicity is going to be done by someone else. I just help with the questions and comments aka moderating. Bozu? Can publicise this blog too? Lol. (BTW, this is JUST a JOKE)
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